Cavy Breeders
Welcome to the Cavy Breeders Forum, our aim is to promote responsible breeding and exhibition of pure and pet cavies. We welcome anyone who shares this aim to join the community where we can all share knowledge and information to promote the cavy fancy. IF YOU ARE NOT A BREEDER/EXHIBITOR THIS ISN'T THE PLACE FOR YOU!!
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Cavy Breeders
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Some new features...

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Some new features... Empty Some new features...

Post by Matt Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:11 pm

There are a couple of new features.

1) When viewing topics, in the upper right hand side above the first post, there is a "Share" link (next to Actions). When clicked this will give you the opportunity to share the topic you are viewing with others, through a number of ways Very Happy .

2) Image resizing - if you post a picture that is too big, it will be automatically downsized for there is an option to view the larger version of the image also incase it has been distorted (squashed or stretched) through downsizing.

3) Topic descriptions. You can leave this blank - but when making a post underneath "subject" you will see description, where you can write a few words about the topic if you feel the desire too Laughing . As you can see I have used it on this post to test it out.
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Location : Sittingbourne, Kent

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