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MAT!! photos no work for me!!

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MAT!! photos no work for me!! Empty MAT!! photos no work for me!!

Post by Keypers Cavies Wed May 05, 2010 2:32 am

I can't get very many photos to show up in my post. What the MAT!! photos no work for me!! 322622 hedoubletoothpicks am I doing wrong!!!!!
Keypers Cavies
Keypers Cavies
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MAT!! photos no work for me!! Empty Re: MAT!! photos no work for me!!

Post by Lina Wed May 05, 2010 11:35 am

can you give more explicit details on what you do exactly, and what happens?

Cause you ain't included enough info for an estimated guess... like if I told you that I can't boil an egg - how will you know if it's lack of cookingskills, faulty stove, leaking pot or waterpipe closed that is the center of my problem cyclops
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MAT!! photos no work for me!! Empty Re: MAT!! photos no work for me!!

Post by Matt Wed May 05, 2010 2:40 pm

There isn't such a thing as a limit if you're using photobucket, you'd need to have thousands and thousands of huge photos before you get to the limit!
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