Cavy Breeders
Welcome to the Cavy Breeders Forum, our aim is to promote responsible breeding and exhibition of pure and pet cavies. We welcome anyone who shares this aim to join the community where we can all share knowledge and information to promote the cavy fancy. IF YOU ARE NOT A BREEDER/EXHIBITOR THIS ISN'T THE PLACE FOR YOU!!
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Cavy Breeders
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How do I participate in the forum?

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How do I participate in the forum? Empty How do I participate in the forum?

Post by Matt Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:19 pm

Firstly, if you are not already registered on the forum you won't be able to join in. You must be a registered member to join in on discussions or use the advertising or chat room. Go back to the main forum page (click on "index" on the top menu) then click "register" on the same menu.

You will need to fill in some details. Click submit and you will then be able to log in with those details you have just registered.

Go to the section you want to post a message in, for example you might want to tell us about a new litter you have just had born. So go to "New Litters, Pregnancy, Birth" then click on the silver "New Topic" button to start writing your post, just like you would an email!

If you want to join in on a discussion that is already existing, again that is really easy. Go to the section of your choice, then you'll see a list of topics that other people have already posted. Click on any in the list, scroll to the bottom and you will see a reply form. Just fill that in and click send!
(Note: If there are no topics in the list that means nobody else has posted yet as we're a new forum, so why not be the first to post a new topic!).

Last edited by Matt on Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
Forum Management
Forum Management

Posts : 22156
Location : Sittingbourne, Kent

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How do I participate in the forum? Empty Re: How do I participate in the forum?

Post by Matt Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:28 pm

Other ways you can Join In:

On the main forum page ( ) if you scroll to the bottom, when logged in you will see a chat room box. This is a live chat and is only useful if others are online and using it at the same time, because once you close the page all messages are erased, they are not saved like they are in the forum!

You are free to post your pictures in any of your messages on the forum. However we also have a dedicated picture gallery for Cavy and Cavy related pics! Simply click on "gallery" on the top menu, click on a category you want to put a picture in then upload your pic. Other members are able to rate and comment on pictures.

PM (Private Message)
If you want to send a message to one member in particular and you want no other members to see the message, just go to any post they have made and you will see buttons at the bottom of their post. One of them is "pm" click on this and begin writing your PM.
Forum Management
Forum Management

Posts : 22156
Location : Sittingbourne, Kent

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