Cavy Breeders
Welcome to the Cavy Breeders Forum, our aim is to promote responsible breeding and exhibition of pure and pet cavies. We welcome anyone who shares this aim to join the community where we can all share knowledge and information to promote the cavy fancy. IF YOU ARE NOT A BREEDER/EXHIBITOR THIS ISN'T THE PLACE FOR YOU!!
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Cavy Breeders
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Sorry about multiple posts of the same topic

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Sorry about multiple posts of the same topic Empty Sorry about multiple posts of the same topic

Post by rachelleburrell Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:11 am

Even though I only submit the post once, my connection seems to post multiple times. I have a MiFi internet card that likes to do cooky things like that. I apologize for this, please remove the additional posts when you see them.
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Posts : 129
Location : Southeast Michigan, United States

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