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Missing lots of posts

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Missing lots of posts Empty Missing lots of posts

Post by lilaccavies Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:56 pm


For some reason, the whole Forum comes up after a while as being "read" which means I don't know which posts are new and which are not. Its frustrating because I am missing lots of posts I would like to contribute towards Sad .
Has anyone else found this?
Thanks Matt Smile
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by Matt Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:07 pm

That's very strange! The weird thing is I can't say that happens to me Exclamation .

It would really help if others could post here and let me know if they get the same problem. What we're talking about is when the apple turns green to indicate new posts, correct??

I will be looking into it though, as I can imagine that woud be annoying!!
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by Ben Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:37 pm

Nope, it works fine for me! Very Happy
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by Matt Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:08 am

I have looked into this and it appears that there is a sort of time limit. If you leave the page open for a long time (not sure how long?) the posts will revert back to read because your browser has re-logged you out and in again without you realizing (session timeout).

At the moment there is not much I can do because it is the way the software is programmed! But I am strongly putting this forward to the hosts to see if something can be done.

Really sorry there is no quick fix though!
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by lilaccavies Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:50 pm


Thanks for looking into it. I don't think I take very long to read and reply to something but I will try and be faster and see if it still happens. Thanks
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by Matt Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:55 pm

I don't think it's that, I think it's more likely to happen if you leave the page open but aren't active (or so I have been told!). I do this myself - keep the page running but minimized whilst I browse elsewhere online. However I don't seem to notice this problem because I check for new posts fairly regularly and tend to reply to all new ones at a time.

If that's not the case and you're finding they're reverting back to show as read quite quickly, it might be worth clearing your cache and re-logging in to see if that helps?

Fingers crossed something will be done though!
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by Matt Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:06 pm

I've now also been told that it might be to do with closing the page - apparently if you close and reopen the page, it considers all new posts have been read?
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Missing lots of posts Empty Re: Missing lots of posts

Post by lilaccavies Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:37 pm

Hmmmm not sure what it could be, I don't minimize the forumn page to look on other websites, I come on and look, reply and then log out again. I don't think I open and close a window either?? Its a mistery but I will try clearing my cache Smile . Thanks again.
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